The 2023 60-Day Captive Insurance Countdown
In today’s crazy mixed-up world, what’s a business owner to do? The last few years have demonstrated that far more businesses should have been protecting themselves by owning their own captive insurance company.
In the interest of surviving and thriving, businesses clearly need more insurance and more money, and a captive insurance company is the only strategy that delivers both.
Every year, CIC Services conducts the 60 Day Captive Insurance Countdown, and this year is no exception. The uncertainty of the past few years suggests the countdown is more relevant than ever for small and middle-market business owners and their trusted advisors, including P&C Insurance Agents, Risk Managers, CPAs, and Financial Advisors.
We still have war in Europe following America’s embarrassing exit from Afghanistan. Tension with China continues to mount. And 2024 portends to be a tumultuous election year.
Small and middle-market Business owners (and their trusted advisors) that are surviving or thriving during 2023 should pause and take a hard look at protecting their companies with a captive insurance company now – while they still can. It’s impossible to predict what the next crisis will be, or when it will strike. However, It’s an unmistakable maxim that businesses with more insurance and more money will be on a far stronger footing and better prepared to survive whatever calamity strikes in the years ahead.
To learn more, watch the recording of our recent 60-Day Countdown webinar below. You can also contact the CIC Services team to learn more about how we can help your business.